Asteroids Photobomb the Universe

Astronomers used machine learning to discover 632 asteroids in Hubble's data archives, 454 of which were previously unknown. Image processors use raw data to isolate and overlay asteroids onto color images, demonstrating this photobombing effect.

What’s Up with Jupiter and Saturn?

Jupiter and Saturn made a big splash last month due to the historic conjunction of our solar system’s two largest planets. From our vantage point here on Earth, looking out onto the flat plane of the sky, a conjunction occurs when two or more celestial bodies seem to slide right past each other in the... Continue Reading →

Phobos Photobombs Mars

Every two years or so, Mars and the Earth approach each other more closely than usual. We're in no danger of colliding because both planets are kept in their orbits by the Sun's gravity. But the orbital geometry gives us an opportunity to get a closer and brighter view of our nearest neighboring planet from... Continue Reading →

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